Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Here it is

Here is the start of the new Turtle pond with help from Bulldog who apparently thinks the pond is his. Should be completed within the next few days with water fall, etc... 

Friday, March 3, 2023

The Bulldog and T.V.

Truly ironic that my bulldog loves T.V. He will watch hockey, loves the game show channel not sure why? He is not into horror flicks. I found that out rather quickly watching an old friday the 13th I thought the dog was going to have a heart attack, does not like masks on people or people chopping people up. He had nightmares. Hilarious to think a dog would react this way. He has no interest in the dog channel. He loves to watch dog the bounty hunter not sure why? The picture below shows him on the couch with Apollo and Auggie it may look like they are all watching T.V. the reality is only the bulldog was watching.