Saturday, October 1, 2022

Those Favorite Printers 2.1.9

Imagine the digital age with no printers? What if we had to describe everything to everyone? could we?  based on our weekly quizzes I know I can't. lol. Printers make our work today so easy. We can print out reports to analyse. Print graphs for work, we can print out agendas for the week to employees or students. Printers make our lives so much easier. Ah, which one should we get? black and white, Color, inkjet or laser. Should we have one that faxes, copies, scans or more? What price should we pay? is under warranty? What am I going to use it for? Many questions to ask and consider.  In the end we get the printer we need.  


  1. Hardcopy still has a place in today's digital world so I don't see printers going away anytime soon :-)

    Well stated questions, Candido!

  2. Yes, printers make our work today very easy. Choosing a printer can be very hard. I have a printer that only prints black and white. I chose this printer because it was inexpensive and reliable.

  3. The printer's contribution to the present era is unparalleled. Your article really made me realize how important printers are to us now.

  4. It seems like for me and maybe some other people, being able to hold it, fold it, crumble it, stuff it in our back pocket, helps us get the job done. Easy to review when needed too and be able to be put away in seconds. Having a physical copy seems to be great for quick reviews.

  5. Physical media still reigns king because it does not require a power source to read.

  6. Absolutely! I can't imagine the digital age without printers, they make our lives so much easier.

  7. I for one am happy that printers are here. I remember in elementary school when we used to get freshly printed carbon copies made through a copying/printing machine. The pages smelled of alcohol or some chemical. I kind of miss that smell. With inkjet and laser printers, the quality of printing has improved so much. Printers are customizable to fit the quality needs of the consumer.

  8. Printers make our lives much easier by allowing us to print out reports, graphs, and agendas. They make it possible for us to communicate information to others easily and effectively.

  9. Educating myself on printers changed the game. Earlier this year, I bought a laser printer because I mostly print text documents, and the toner cartridge lasted a very long time! I just need to stop making the mistake of printing too many copies.

  10. This is so funny to me. At work this week I had my 90 day review. My boss mostly focused on how she wants to get RID of paper. She wants me to focus on making most of our procedures paperless!

  11. I personally prefer paperless. And with many companies going paperless, there's less need for printers. Most Word, Excel, PowerPoint documents can be saved in pdf format and can serve just like a paper copy. In Adobe, I can add my actual signature, redact sensitive information, and rearrange pages in a different order. AND I can then send documents via email without ever having to print anything on paper. Save the trees!

  12. That's a scary thought. An age without printers...

  13. I think printers truly are a lifesaver. It surely has improved the way technology can function.

  14. With the invention of printers, people can read my essays now instead of my chicken scratch.

  15. Since I've been back in college, I definitely have a new appreciation for printers!

  16. This is so true. I feel the printer was created so humanity could Go Green!

  17. Since we no longer have to write everything out word for word, printers have certainly made life easier.
