Monday, September 5, 2022


Hi Everyone,

This is all new to me first blog I have ever done. The bulldog represents my personal business ventures. Starting with ECAT98 Preservation and ECAT98 eBay, Ecat was derived way back in the 80's when a cat I had was named Elvis of course after Elvis Presley and because at that time there was a album for those who can remember those things named ECAT on purple vinyl (cool) I used to call the cat ECAT instead of Elvis. For next 16-20 years that name had alway's stayed in our family long after the cat had passed. I resurrected it a few years ago when coming up with new business ventures and low and behold they were available. Ecat is now associated with my bulldog. I have several other friends of his including, Apollo (German Shepard pup), Auggie (mix) and yes there is a cat, Babycat, and she is friends with the dogs. You will sometimes see them on the eBay site. I grew up in Southern California for those familiar with the Santa Monica Airport I lived less than a mile from there. I attended Venice High School (if you have ever seen Grease you will know the school) and when I graduated in 1976 I attended Santa Monica City College for about 2 years leaving because I got into a job that made me what I am today. So for the next 43 years I spent playing music (I play the drums) raising 4 kids and working of course not all by myself.  The daughter graduated from SDSU with a Bachelors in business and living and working in Idaho, the eldest boy is working on his master's degree for History I know it has to do with Curator of some sort and living in Kansas. The middle boy is the only other musician as such playing the bass guitar and lives in Oregon. The youngest is working and living in San Diego.


  1. Personal business ventures named after your four-legged kids, cats and dogs, playing music and raising four human children for four decades?

    Quite a life you have had so far! The adventures continues...

    Welcome to IS101-3012, Fall 2022, Candido ^_^

  2. Southern California is lovely. Do you miss living there? I enjoyed reading your blog post. I can't wait to read more posts in the following weeks.

  3. Your life sounds so beautiful, Candido. My husband plays the drums as well. We had a German Shepherd who sadly only lived to be 4 years old. They are such amazing dogs.

  4. What a rich life experience. You have given me a deeper understanding of the concepts of family and responsibility. I admire your courage and perseverance. It's not easy to go back to school! I wish you all the best!

  5. I used to live in Southern California while being stationed there in the U.S. Navy. Great location just the rent of $3500 for a studio is not appealing to me.

  6. I love that you have all your animals! At least the cat gets along with the dogs. Can't wait to see if you post pictures of them in your later blogs.

  7. I see you are another musician. I wish I picked up the drums. Have you ever heard of the Bodhrán ? It is a traditional Irish Celtic drum. I haven't played in a few years. I want to pick up music again.

  8. Beautiful! You seem like you have lived a wonderful life. I too, lived in California for a while! I lived in the Palm Springs area. I still do miss California and plan to move back after college. I wish you the best for you and your family! Also, cannot wait to see adorable photos of your pets.

  9. I bet you are very proud of your kids, I have a son that just graduated high school and I'm trying to get him motivated to further his education. It's part of the reason why I am back in school myself. I want him to see that he can have some of the benefits I'm working for now earlier in his life.

  10. That is so cool that you went to the same school where they filmed the movie Grease. I grew up watching that movie and I think that's where I fell in love with cars.

  11. Wow, I've never met anyone who attended a school where a movie was filmed! Your life definitely sounds like an adventure and I like your creative take on your personal business ventures.

  12. I'm also from Southern California!, It's really impressive that your kids have managed to be successful in their own interests. Good luck to you this semester!

  13. Wow! what a good job you did as a father. I admire your talent to be a businessman, and musician. The experience you've gained over the years definitely made you wiser.

  14. You sound like a wonderful parent. Your children must be extremely proud of what you have done for them and continue to do. You know how many people quit when they're still young? However, you remained, and for that I'm so proud of you. Keep going in this manner!

  15. You seem to have all the great qualities that life can offer. Great job, great family, great education and a great life itself. I'm inspired by your dedication to continue learning.

  16. It is very interesting to hear about all your life experiences. It is impressive you still want to learn more even after all you experienced so far.

  17. What a journey that must have been, I hope to be able to share a story as great as this one day.

  18. Wow what a interesting life you had I bet it wasn't easy for you.
