Sunday, September 11, 2022

Candido's Philosophy

Hi Everyone,

I hope everyone is having as much fun as I am in school. I have a basic philosophy that I would like to share with everyone. Use your time wisely, don't lose focus of your goals and alway's live life to its fullest. Remember we are only here for a short time so take advantage of it. With that I hope everyone has a great semester.


  1. "Life is short, live life to the fullest" indeed :-)

  2. Thank you for sharing! Oftentimes I get so caught up in little things that are only a temporary obstacle, so it feels empowering to be reminded to not lose focus.

  3. Thank you for that philosophy. It's true, sometimes we get caught up in life's messy storms and forget to live life as we should, to the fullest.

  4. Life is very short and you never know when you are gonna go. Live life to its fullest but also remember you have responsibility to attend to. Make great memories and long lasting impressions.

  5. Thank you for sharing that great philosophy. We are indeed here for a short time so let's make the best of it.

  6. Live your life to the fullest is a concept I've been practicing since landing in Japan back in 2011. I went out of my way to visit Tokyo 14 different times in the three years I was stationed there because I don't think ill ever go back there for another decade or more.

  7. Yes, you are so right. Impermanence, is something I constantly think about.

  8. Thanks for sharing. Time management is really art because time is fair to everyone. That's why some people can maintain a 4.0 GPA while others have a 2.0 GPA. We should try to be the master of time, not the slave of time.

  9. Thank you for sharing your philosophy. I can relate to it. We are all on this planet for a short time we should do our best to maintain our happiness and enjoy life.

  10. I agree Candido, using time wisely is important, and personally I find it difficult sometimes. I wish there were more hours in a day and I didn't have to waste time to sleep so I can accomplish more.

  11. Definitely something to always keep in mind to avoid wasting time.

  12. It's true that life is short, so we should enjoy it and live it to the fullest. The purpose of life is to approach obstacles with a positive mindset which is what you kind of focus on explaining.

  13. I couldn't agree more with you. If I died tomorrow I would be happy to do what I like the most, which is to study. Maybe studying has sometimes stressed me and overwhelmed me but at the same time I enjoy it, it's a never ending feeling. I see the studies as if it were a marriage, it makes me angry sometimes but most of the time I love it. The years will pass but my commitment and love has no end.

  14. Thanks for sharing. Life is short and we should focus to accomplish what we want to do.

  15. Great quote. Definitely gives inspiration and encouragement. Thank you for this.

  16. Thank you for the quote! You are right, life is short. So let us spend life wisely! I hope you have a great semester as well.

  17. Yes, we are not here for a long time, so I try to have a good time while I am. My mom always said to me growing up to do what I have to do so that I can do what I want to do. I try to do my best and put in the hard work so I can enjoy the fruits of my labor while they are still ripe.

  18. You are right life is short. I hope you have a great semester as well.

  19. Got any tips on how to use my time wisely? I find that even if I pact my schedule with work I'm not implementing it properly.
