Thursday, September 22, 2022

My Motivation

In 2001 I hired a young man by the name of Jeff Ross. After his first year I realized this young man was going to be a valuable asset to our company. Jeff treated everyone with respect. Some days Jeff would come to me and say boss can I borrow $5? I would always say yes. I realized later what he was doing. When he saw a homeless person struggling on the street with no food, water or clothes Jeff would help them out. It was not unusual for Jeff to bring his old clothes too many of the homeless around El Cajon, California. Every Halloween he would make a haunted house specifically for little kids to enjoy dressed as Dracula and handing out candy. Thanksgiving and Christmas he would decorate for everyone to enjoy. He lived life to its fullest. He had a passion for life and tried to help everyone who was in need. In January 2005  I was leaving the store to go on vacation my last spoken words to him. Jeff will we be going to a wedding in Las Vegas this summer? He smiled and said maybe! He said enjoy your vacation boss we won't bother you. On January 16th 2005 Jeff was killed. The police believe it was a gang initiation wrong place, wrong time. It has been seventeen years since his death. This young man left such an impression on me. I always considered him a son. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him or his zest for life. How he treated everyone and wanted to be treated by others. Jeff was rich with life. It is not very often that we run across a person like this. I motivate myself by his ideas and values. Jeff may be gone but his legacy is still here with everyone he touched. Let me know if there is someone other than a parent, grandparent or sibling who touched your life?


  1. Thank you for sharing such a touching story. It's so crazy how many people aren't aware that they could someday become an inspiration and have their story told - may Jeff rest in peace. In 5th grade, I moved to a new school with no friends at all and my teacher ended up having a massive impact on my life because he looked out for me from day 1. Because of him, I was able to make close friends with whom I have contact today. I felt safe to be as extroverted as I could in his classroom and he also introduced me to a Beyonce song I will never forget. He taught me to truly be myself to attract genuine friends/people who I can learn with.

  2. Sorry to hear such a good person life Jeff lost to a senseless murder. Thank you for sharing his impact on you, even after seventeen years. Outside of my family, when I first came to United States as a child, I did have some teachers that helped me adapt to my new environment :-)

  3. Please allow me to pray for Jeff! I feel so sad that such a good man died! Helping others is the root of happiness! Jeff will live forever in heaven!

  4. I admire your hard work and dedication. Time management and making priorities without a doubt helps reach our goals.

  5. I am so sorry for your loss, and he seemed like such a kind and caring person. I will pray for him. My best friend is someone who touched my life.

  6. Sorry for your lost. That was really deep I teared up on this one. I had and old man name Dennis who use to come see me in the club and he would sit at my bar in the middle of rush hour but would have a conversation with me when he could. He told me to stay humble and appreciate what you have. When he went back home to Hawaii I would check in on him from time to time. One year I went to check on him and he wasn't with us anymore but his girlfriend answered my text and said " he would talk all about you and how great of a person I was". Also how I would keep him company, I didn't realize how much of an impact I made just by talking to him. Moral of the story we never know who we are talking to and how much of an impact we made in there life too. I still live humble and appreciate everything in my life.

  7. Oh Candido, I love how you spoke of Jeff, like he was a light in your life. I believe we're all a light in someone's life, someone's story. I'm a firm believer in always being kind because you never know who needs it.

  8. Your hard work and dedication is something to marvel at.

  9. It is a tragedy to lose someone as good as Jeff was. May he continue to rest in peace. Most good natured people leave an everlasting impression on our lives and it is only fair to share their stories to keep their memories alive. Candido, thank you for sharing his story.

  10. In recent time, I can share a similar feeling when a tragedy has occurred. A dear friend of mine, who is a very hard worker, that has a large family to take care of. Due to unfortunate events, my friends eldest child was sent to a different place to take care of other issues. During this time, on an ordinary day, my friend was worried that her eldest child did not contact her for a period time and got worried. After getting some help to find out what was going on, a family member of my friend was able to find out that the eldest child suddenly passed away, due to an unfortunate accident.
    The reason this story has touched my life is because, though the tragedy of my friend losing her eldest child was a heavy impact on their life, my friend has continued to live life autonomously.

  11. It is amazing that till this day you carry Jeff in your everyday thoughts. Relationships like this are hard to come by nowadays, let alone employee/employer relationships. Thank you for sharing this with all of us. Jeff is definitely proud!

  12. Sorry to hear that Jeff died. Jeff seemed like an amazing person.

  13. Loss, is painful and I think if it wasn't for my heritage and my mothers cultural influences I don't think I would be as put together as I am now. If it wasn't for my mentality I have about death being a beautiful thanks to los dias de los muertos; I know I wouldn't be able to function. My mothers passing woke me up. hindsight being 20/20 I realize now just how awesome she was, and that was the shock that woke me up and got me out of my 10+ year depression. Thank you for sharing this and allowing us a safe space to open up.

  14. I am so sorry. I know how impactful it is to lose someone you shared a special bond with. This is a sign for me to appreciate everybody I have in my life that bring me joy before they are gone.

  15. I'm glad that he was able to leave such a strong impression on you, people definitely live on through those of us who remember them!

  16. Situations like this provide us a priceless memory that will endure throughout the rest of our life. I was impressed by your courage for sharing this story; it was really touching.

  17. Thank you for sharing this. Death is never easy. Personally I don't Identify myself as my body, and I don't think Jeff was identified by his either. He was identified through his righteous and God like character. Jeff is with you ever time you help out the less fortunate.

  18. It's sad to think people can leave this world in the matter of minutes. I'm sorry for your loss Candidogranados.

  19. I remember my younger brother had this friend named Stevie, they used to hang out all the time every day. Stevie, when they were about 10 years passed away in a car accident (kids joyriding in a stolen car) and you can see that it had quite the negative affect on my brother, for a long time he didn't want to deal with anybody or do anything it was very hard to see him like that, because before that he was a fun loving very outgoing kid.
