Friday, September 16, 2022

The Little Drummer Boy

I played drums from the 1970's until the early 2000's. At one time having as many as 10 cymbals and numerous drums that looked good. (overkill) the reason I mention this is not as a musician. I mention it for time management. When I played drums I was also an Executive Manager for one of the largest retailers in the world. Working a 10-12 hour day. I would then go to recording sessions from eleven o'clock in the evening until four o'clock in the morning. On Friday's and  Saturday's we would play gigs at the Rainbow, Whiskey and the world famous Troubadour in Hollywood. If you are wondering? we never got signed to a label. I would also manage my daughters travel softball team. At times I used to joke about how we played more games in a month than the San Diego Padres. It sure seemed like it 3-4 games every weekend and more when were winning. Years later I would coach all 3 boy's soccer and baseball teams and work full time. It always seemed like everything fell into place and coaching would take up most of the afternoons and weekends while music took up late evenings and early mornings. I am not saying I have the answers to time management. I was focussed and prioritized everything. Some twenty years later I am finding myself motivated and wanting to challenge the world. I enjoy everyone's motivation and attitude for this class. Let's keep it going.


  1. Working 10-12 hr days then play drums from 11 pm to 4 am on weekdays then play gigs on the weekend? Very few hours of sleep...

    Twenty years later and you are still motivated and wanting to challenge the world? Go Candido go!

    I too enjoy seeing everyone's motivation and attitude for IS101-3012, Fall 2022 :-)

  2. Interesting to see how you handled time management at that stage of your life! I really liked re-reading, "place and coaching would take up most of the afternoons and weekends while music took up late evenings and early mornings." Even though you had a busy schedule, everything had its own time and place.

  3. Wow Candido! When did you find the time to sleep?? I admire that you made time for everything in your life - work, kids, yourself. It looks like you had a healthy balance of everything.

  4. Yes sir! We all have great stories and reading everyone's blogs makes me enjoy this class even more.

  5. Candido, WOW! You are a busy man. I understand the need for time management in our lives. It is an extremely important factor to our success. Everyone manages the best way they can and it's rewarding when we accomplish our goals because time management helped guide us along the way.

  6. I envy people who can play the drums. Especially on the stage, that kind of demeanor is unforgettable for a long time. I hope I can be your teacher one day. I will pay tuition on time. Please accept me as this closed disciple!

  7. It is people like you that help me keep pushing forward. I don't do nearly as much work as this. I am curious to know what kind of music you play/played.

  8. I admire your hard work and dedication. Time management and making priorities without a doubt helps reach our goals.

  9. The dedication you have is out of this world. I am struggling with a full time job and full time school. I could never imagine what it is like raising children, full time job, full time musician, and coaching your children's sports teams!!

  10. Your post is pure motivation with balancing the work load of a job and playing in a band.

  11. As I read through your post, I can see that you have a ton of expertise in a variety of fields, and the fact that you have the motivation to keep going will undoubtedly create a lasting impression in this society.

  12. Definitely your post kept me motivated to keep progressing. Many people have discouraged me in the past, when I said I was going to go back to school. But guess what, my momma didn't raise a quitter.

  13. That's a lot of hard work and dedication. Seems like you had little to no time to sleep though.

  14. The Padres joke is really funny. You got any favorite teams? Me personally, I do not watch baseball but my family members love it. You sure are a busy person! I love how you are there for your children, I hope they are your world.

  15. Your post really inspires me to work on my organizational skills!

  16. WOW. We definitely need to sit down so you can help me develop a schedule for myself. Learning how to manage my time, or better yet, manage my activities, will definitely only yield positive results in my life.

  17. This is a motivation for me to learn how to manage my time better.

  18. It is great to see you made time to do what you love in addition to making time to show love and support to those that life brought you way.
