Saturday, October 15, 2022

Working for a living

For those that don't know I work everyday and go to school 4 days a week. This class is really helpful in both my work and schooling. In my work a better understanding of how and where everything comes from and is formatted so I can view, watch or reply. In school for reports, graphs and presentations. I can't thank Professor Wu enough for his guidance and indulgence of my ignorance at times. I know it must be frustrating. To the class everyone is so much fun to be around. The class throws out so many ideas and ways to overcome issues. I look forward to our Saturday morning class. To everyone let's keep it going and finish strong. 


  1. Very glad to hear IS101-3012, Fall 2022 is helpful in both your work and schooling ^_^

    No worries Candido, you have the strongest constitution that I have seen in a long time. I look forward to see you and your classmates each Saturday morning :-)

    Yes, may we keep up the fun and everyone finishing strong!

  2. I also really enjoy this class. I wouldn't miss this class even if work calls me in.

  3. I also work 5 days a week Wednesday through Sunday and school for Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. This semester has definitely been a challenge.

  4. I also enjoy this class a lot. I don’t recall staying after class for any other class. We are halfway to completing thing semester.

  5. I look forward to Saturday morning class too. It gives me time to catch up on work and honestly, I'm doing better in here than any of my other classes! It's definitely a different environment since we're all focused on the computers in front of us.

  6. I have to say that after Covid-19, this class in particular has been the best. I enjoy the interaction we've had so far. I've learned a great deal as well.

  7. I have just been schooled with this blog post. Until this blog post, everything has been grammatically correct but semantically problematic.

  8. Same Candido, I look forward to this class every Saturday as well. We all get along great and have fun times.

  9. It is a challenge but yes let us keep going!

  10. Wow I would have never known, I got to ask how you maintain it all. Your a Rockstar.

  11. It's hard to find a job these days. How can people quit their jobs if they study for a future career? Unless people don't like their jobs and want to change jobs, they don't have to quit. They have to pay the cost of recharging themselves. Hats off to you! See you on Saturday!

  12. It is very hard to balance work and school! In highschool it was easier for me to balance a job and my education, but with college it is a whole new playing field.

  13. I agree. My current job uses Excel, and occasionally I like to observe how they insert daily sales and how, with just one click, they appear to get immediate results.

  14. I also work full time and have other classes as well, let's finish strong!

  15. I also work full time and go to school full time. I am now having constant Mandatory Overtime and my place of work.
