Saturday, October 22, 2022

The Pets are all here

Aside from everything else that I do. I have a small farm. To put it mildly there are 5 red eared sliders (turtles) in my back pond. Ages 2-7 years old. I have 2 parakeets, 2 cats one is 16.5 years old Cali is her name. The other is baby cat and she is about 4 years old. I have 5 dogs, Emma the chihuahua 12, Auggie the chiweenie 14, Wolfie the mix 4 , Bulldog the English Bulldog 7 and Apollo 1 the 11 month old German Shepherd pup. It may sound like a lot it really is not. The dogs for the most part are very quiet, only bark when something really startles them like the doorbell on the T.V. The cats you don't even know they are there. The turtles well they are in a pond swimming and sunning themselves. They do come up to me when I walk out to feed them. It is nice to come home to the animals as they are always excited to see me, probably for food. When I lived in Ramona California I really did have a farm complete with 17 horses Mustangs to be exact they were all mine. A donkey named George, A potbelly pig named little pig (She was not that little), dogs, cats and chickens. An animal lover I am. They will travel with me sometimes if not to hot. They go to the dog park to run and they do have a big yard to play in. I think baby cat is into music she sleeps in my bass drum all the time. Snickers is the white chihuahua pictured above with the others she is no longer with me.

All Dogs
Turtle Pond


  1. 5 dogs, 2 cats, 5 turtles, and 2 parakeets, a farm indeed!

    That is definitely the most amount and variety of animals I have heard for any household :-)

    Had an actual farm when you were in California? I see why you have so many animals here and now ^_^

  2. I've always been scared of cats and dogs but I grew out of my fear of dogs and now have my own. As for cats, I'm still absolutely terrified of them. I was interested in turtles for awhile but I don't think I'm capable of maintenance.

  3. I've always wanted a pet in Las Vegas I have yet to find someone selling a Shiba Inu for a decent price before I invest in one. How expensive is it to feed all of them?

    1. Not too bad, they don't get fancy foods they get what's on sale. I give them a combination of dry food and for a treat sometimes a little wet food. About $50 a month. Large bags. That includes the turtles,cats and birds.

  4. Wow Candido!! I love that you have so many animals! If there's a dog, I want to touch it. Haha! I want to have my own ranch one day too, and have a couple horses, cows, goats, pigs, a few chickens, and dogs. Maybe some ducks too. Of course, this is after I put my two kids through college and have time for all these animals because I'm sure they'll be needy like my kids.

  5. Your Presentation still impresses me! I also love animals very much. After seeing your small animal park, let me know that you are a very caring person!

  6. X'D Sleeping in the bass drum. Yea my room mate has to worry about that with his dog.

  7. Wow, thats a lot of animals. Lots of different animals you have.

  8. I love this post because I was totally wondering about your pets! I didn't think there were so many.

  9. What a beautiful mix of pets you have. It is a wonderful thing to come home and your pet gets excited. I lost my beautiful fur baby last year in Aug and I still miss her so much. Her name was Bonnie. I think I will not be getting pets anytime soon. It is just too painful. But, birds, turtles, snakes, dogs, ferrets, iguanas, and sugar gliders, I've had them all.

  10. Wow, you have quite a lot of animals. The dogs look so relaxed in the picture above.

  11. The pets are definitely all here. You have so many pets. Must be very fulfilling to have lots to take care of at home. I have not been to a farm in such a long time, I need some fresh farm air away from the city.

  12. Wow that's a lot of animals I can barely take care of my one Chihuahua name Lily. With all the work I do I am barely home for her.

  13. Yay! I was waiting for this post. I love all your adorable animals Candido. God Bless them all.

  14. That is a lot of animals you have there! They truly are family. Since I was a child, I've always wanted a pet, but I've never had the opportunity to acquire one.

  15. Wow you have a ton of animals! I can't imagine feeding them all.
