Friday, November 18, 2022

What will I write on this piece of paper?

I have written about music. I have written about the class. I have written about me. What is next? How about my Kids? I have 4 grown up kids. The eldest is Kristin lives  in Idaho married with one son. She got her Bachelors degree from San Diego State in Business. First one in the family to do that. Very proud of her accomplishments. Kristin works for Red Fin Real Estate and has been the number one sales person in the state. The Eldest son is in Kansas just got his Bachelors degree in History this year. He is now working towards his Masters starting next semester in the same field. He wants to be a historian in the museums. He works full time at Krogers in Kansas.Very proud of his accomplishments. The middle son just got out of the Marines after 4 years. Jonathan is living in Oregon. He is working full time and is working on school for IT classes. Very proud of his duty to our country and his accomplishments to date. Last but not least is the youngest Joseph or Joey as we call him. He lives with his girlfriend in San Diego. We rarely see eye to eye. Down inside he is the person who will give you the shirt off his back if he knows it will make a difference for you. He and I had many adventures when he was young and hopefully he will remember them. The one that comes to mind is when he was about 13 he was all over me about teaching him to drive. We lived in Shelter Valley in California. At the time his mom was real sick and recovering. So I decided it was early afternoon beautiful cool day let's take the dogs and go driving out in the desert hills. We went in the Suburban not a 4WD and Joey was having a great time so were the dogs. We were about 5 miles off the main road and we had been out for almost 3.5 hours I said lets start back. So I told Joey pull up ahead and I will take over and turn us around so we could head back. Joey stopped up ahead and we switched seats and I started to turn the vehicle to turn around. What I did not know across from us was very soft sand and the weight of the suburban would cause us issues. When I turned the vehicle all of a sudden the passenger side went down into the sand well above the wheel and axle. Joseph asked Dad what are we going to do? We were at least 5 miles in and daylight was fading as we were in fall. I said Joey we cant hike out it is going to get dark quickly and too many dogs and I only brought a couple of leashes. When it gets dark someone will come looking for us. The way the vehicle was sitting we were against a mountain so when I would flash my lights no one could see us. We would let the dogs go to the bathroom every couple of hours but we had coyotes, bobcats and mountain lions everywhere. We would often see mountain lions and bobcats and the coyotes they were not afraid of us. The cell phones were no help no signal. About 9pm a storm came in with rain and wind and everything else doing us no good for the vehicle I was kinda hoping for a flash flood as that might free us from the sand. All this time I could see the road from where we were they could not see us because of the hills, but we could see search vehicles and CHP vehicles go up the different trails. It was 11:45 pm almost 12 hours later from the start of this adventure that a CHP officer pulled up behind me and said your wife sends you her greetings. He said lets get you out of here and we will worry about the vehicle tomorrow. I said no can you please use your winch to pull me out. He said it will rip your bumper right off I told him I was willing to take that chance and would not hold him responsible. He agreed so in the rain we hooked it up and he said whatever you do not stop or slow down. Well, long story short we got home around 2 in the morning and my wife was like what in the heck happened? We told her and she just laughed. What an adventure.  Joey said mom it was dads fault if he had let me turn the vehicle around this would not have happened. Go figure.


  1. Four successful grown offspring, you go Candido!

    Your eldest daughter has her own son too 😊

    Glad you and Joseph/Joey were rescued ^_^

  2. Read your article, and let me admire you more!
    Good parents will have a profound influence on the growth of children.

  3. That is an amazing adventure. I'm sure it was a little scary too. One thing I've always taught my kids is to make sure they remember the good times, because we as parent's are not always going to be around and the only thing they will be left with is those memories. I'm glad that CHP officer was able to help get you and your son to safety.

  4. As parents we do as much to support our children, but we can't control what they choose to do. I hope that when my daughter grows up, I’ll be able to guide her to do the right thing. Your children must be very proud of your Candido.

  5. Everything always begins with that sinking feeling. Just kidding. I am glad you and your youngest got out safely. I would have freaked out all day if that happened to me and my family. Until more adventures to come, be safe and take care.

  6. Great story sir. Glad everything worked out for you and your son.

  7. Love how proud you are of your children by appreciating their individual lifestyles and accomplishments. And to end it with a cherry on top, a memorable story with your youngest!

  8. ... just touching.
    As for songs, start with the drums let the base whirl in and when they least expect it play the piano accompanied by the guitar, your themes are air, night, and delight.

  9. I'm sure Joey remembers that experience with you. What kid could forget an adventure like that?!

  10. What a amazing adventurous story you have told here.

  11. Very interesting and thank you for sharing this with us! Make sure you have a 4wd next time! lol
