Friday, November 25, 2022

Turkey Day

Thanksgiving came and went. First time in 60 plus years I had it alone. Do not feel bad for me. I enjoyed it. Me and the Dogs had Chinese take out.  Chicken fried rice and sweet and sour chicken and the cats also shared in the feast. The turtles they are more into goldfish. In 2007 I was in Oahu on vacation with the wife and friends. We were doing the tourist thing going to the 7 or sacred falls (Tiffany you might know that one better than me), then a little wine tasting and a tour of the back Island. Carla and Louis were with us and we were leaving the falls area. Carla was in front Jennifer was behind her both were wearing white pants on this fine morning. Louis was behind the girls when it happened. I had just stopped filming the falls when I heard Carla scream, as I turned to see what was happening. Carla started to slip. Jennifer tried to grab her and Louis he started to grab them both and realized he would be in the same situation so he let go and down went Carla and Jennifer covered in mud and water.  I started to laugh so hard I was crying. It looked like something from a cartoon show only in slow motion. Both Carla and Jennifer had a look of this really did not happen as water and mud was all over their hair, face and clothes. For the remainder of the tour, the bus driver kept asking how long have you been married? Carla and Jennifer could not believe I would laugh this hard. The people on the tour could not help but laugh because I could not stop. And the looks Jennifer and Carla would give me made me laugh even more. After a few hours they were laughing about it. To this day Carla says Ay Condie.


  1. Chinese take out for Thanksgiving? Sounds better than turkey and stuffing :-)

    Oh wait, fried rice and sweet & sour... I was thinking of steamed flounder with ginger, scallion, and soy sauce paired with ong choy (Chinese water spinach) stir fried with garlic!

    Louis sounds like a smart man for staying dry ^_^

    1. Louis was mostly quiet during the remainder of that day.

  2. Chinese food for Thanksgiving was the best. Roast Duck instead of turkey hell ya fried or white rice. I am all about that with Beef Broccoli and Chow Mein. I am getting hungry talking about this.

  3. Eating Chinese food on Thanksgiving is excellent! After all, Chinese food is relatively healthy!

  4. As you can tell I am a rather healthy guy. Right?

  5. I'm jealous that you had Chinese food. I made myself a little Cornish hen marinated in herbs and spices with roasted veggies. I think I'm going to make some kung pao chicken and veggie fried rice for dinner today. Thank you for the idea Candido.

  6. We must be twins in an alternate universe because I had Chinese takeout for Thanksgiving too. My mom is the main cooker for Thanksgiving but she was out of the country. This holiday was a huge wake-up call to start learning how to cook and bake.

  7. If I were to have Chinese takeout for Thanksgiving it would have to be Peking Duck. I had it in Okinawa several times back in 2013 and can remember the taste to this day. I just need to find a legit Chinese restaurant in Las Vegas that does it the right way.

  8. Chinese food does sound delicious. It’s nice to switch things up, I might do that next year.

  9. Yummy Chinese for Thanksgiving! Always nice to change things up a bit from traditional turkey.
    And yes, I know of Sacred Falls. All I have to say is that you all are very brave to go there after it being closed to the public in 1999. So thankful that no one was hurt - besides hurt feelings. :P

  10. Omg I love Chinese. You love your animals and it shows! I'd like to visit Hawaii and make memorable moments like you did. :-)

  11. Candido I look forward to your posts, your stories are always enriching for me. Your turtles eat goldfish, I never knew that turtles eat gold fish.
