Sunday, December 18, 2022

Treats did not work.

I tried to get them to pose. I even used some treats and it was to no avail. Baby cat saw the clothes and said no way out of the room, Wolfie was like not me, Apollo nothing fit, Auggie said I am out of here (I call him Jaws when he does not want to do something) Bulldog looked like he had a toothache as he kept pulling the tassel off and poor Emma with her bad leg could not get away so she had to try her bells on. She was the only one in the spirit that allowed me to snap a picture. So from Myself, Emma and everyone else which includes the birds and turtles have a safe and Happy Holiday Season.


  1. Haha, animals and children (human ones) are the most difficult to photograph :-)

    Happy Holiday Season to you and all of your family, Candido ^_^

    I love your never-give-up spirit. You will conclude IS101-3012, Fall 2022 on a strong note!

    1. Thank you for all your help. Have a great Holiday and a fantastic New Year.

  2. Candido, I wish you and your family happy holidays and a prosperous New Year. I believe that you’ll achieve everything you work toward.

    1. Thank you and the same to you and your family. I look forward to seeing your accomplishments in the future.

  3. Hahahaha fur babies are so funny! I wish we could hear what they are thinking; I'm sure it would've been a hoot to know what they were thinking when you tried putting on their outfits. :P

    1. I know what they were thinking and I can't repeat it. Ha ha. Look at the new post going up today, I found a picture with 3 of them in holiday colors. Have a great break and look forward to seeing your accomplishments.

  4. Happy holidays to you and your family Candido. Your photo of Emma is beautiful. She is a photogenic dog. It's been an honor being your classmate and hope to see you in the future in another class.

    1. Silvia. It was my pleasure to have a class with you. I look forward to seeing your accomplishments in the future and maybe we will have some other classes together. I look forward to staying in touch with you.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing these pictures. I am also grateful to this course for letting us know each other!

    1. I thank you. You were terrific through the whole class and were the best. I congratulate you on a class well done. I can't wait to see your future accomplishments. They will be great. I will definitely stay in contact with you.

  6. I understand animals are difficult to photograph they never wanna just stay still.

    1. Never, every now and then you get a great shot and then the others decide to walk away or move.

  7. I understand your struggle. I ordered a sweater for my dog, and I have yet to put it on him because he can get annoyingly snappy. All bark, no bite but it's okay! He never stays still as well. Happy holidays to you and your family!

    1. Isn't that the truth, Auggie is my crazy one. He starts everyone just for the fun of it. I call him jaws. When he does not want to be messed with he will snap his jaws at you. Happy Holidays to you and your family.

  8. hahaha thank you for sharing this pic. Happy Holidays. I wish you and your family the best for this coming year.

  9. Thank you. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Holiday and prosperous New Year.

  10. Happy holidays sir. Good luck on your future

  11. Thank you Brian. The same to you and your family. Look forward to see your future endeavors.
