Saturday, October 29, 2022

What time of the year is it?

November is a tough month. This year we have voting. We have the start of the holidays coming up. I encourage everyone to get out and vote. Not worried about parties. Get your voices heard! Make a difference in your state or community. Then we have the first big holiday called T-day or Thanksgiving. This year I will indulge in chicken. Just kidding. I saw two frozen birds in the freezer. After T-day we get into the happiest time of the year or so the song says. Since September I have seen more Christmas goods than Halloween goods in all stores. No matter how you look at it ready or not the holiday season is upon us. For stress relief we have school and work. Everyone have a great start for the upcoming season. I look forward to seeing all of you at school. Keep up the great work. For the holidays I will post some pictures of the dogs in holiday attire. The cat, well she is not as easy to dress up. I can guarantee you she will be at my feet when the Turkey is done.


  1. I plan to read up on the issues and vote :-)

    School and work = stress relief for the Thanksgiving holiday, cool ^_^

    Will you share a photo of your Baby Cat dressed up?

  2. If I can get her dressed. She is not a easy dresser.

  3. Thanksgiving already?! This Thanksgiving will be the first one without my mom since she's going to the Philippines and doesn't wanna take me because of my school schedule. My dad doesn't even cook, so I am definitely not looking forward to this holiday at all </3 My dog isn't an easy dresser as well, but I'm determined to make him look cute and well-groomed for the upcoming holidays.

  4. Yes, I agree - everyone that can vote, should vote. Mid-term elections are big for the state, every vote counts.
    Funny that you mention Christmas goods, I took the kids trick-or-treating last night around our neighbor, and there were a couple houses who had their Christmas trees up and decorated already. Either that, or they didn't take it down from last year. Hahaha :)

  5. November is indeed a month to look forward to! Especially Thanksgiving, I can't wait!

  6. I will be voting tomorrow. Thanksgiving Day is my favorite holiday along with Christmas. Let the Christmas music begin 😊.

  7. Turkey day is coming upon us. Cheers to the season starting. Happy holidays everyone!

  8. Don't call me the Grinch, but I'm done with holidays. I do love the holidays, but life has left a lot of pain during the seasons people are supposed to be the happiest. The holidays are the most difficult for me to deal with. It is also the time of year when many people suffer the most psychologically. For T-Day, I will be doing a small celebration. No turkey! I got myself a Cornish hen that I will be stuffing and adding all the trimmings.

  9. Yes, please post all of them in their holiday outfits! I can not wait to see that.

  10. Once thing I noticed was soon as it hit November 1st, 12am Everyone was throwing their Halloween decorations out the door and Mariah Carey was faintly heard in the background.

  11. Not to mention burn out oh boy I am looking forward to that day off.

  12. Yay turkey seasons. Like every year I will be making the Prime Rib.

  13. I find it hard to realize that the year is almost over. Just a month ago, I think I graduated from high school. In fact, this year is passing quickly. Additionally, as you noted, Christmas-related activities start well before Halloween, giving the impression that Christmas is just around the corner.

  14. I also agree that most places are starting to prepare for Christmas earlier and earlier every year.
