Saturday, December 3, 2022

Emma D

This is supposed to be the happiest time of the year! Close to being the worst for me. Emma D my smallest dog the black Chihuahua had a horrible accident that about killed her. The little girl was raised by a Bulldog so her spirit is very strong. It was touch and go for a couple of days. She got out through the side fence of the house I am staying at. She somehow got caught in the fencing and ripped the top of her head then proceeded to climb back under the fencing mangling her leg. All the time my Bulldog and Apollo1were trying to clean her up. When I got home I noticed the bulldog holding something down and cleaning it. At first I thought he was playing with a toy until I saw the blood  and realized he was trying to clean up Emma. I grabbed her and wrapped her in a towel and started for the vet. I thought for a minute and decided I could do what the vet would do so I cleaned her up checked for broken bones none that I could see or feel. She was not screaming in any pain which would tell me something was broken or cracked. She kept falling over and that was an issue. I do know that most dogs when they have a sprain will not put weight on the paw Emma was putting weight on her paws which told me that the Bulldog and Apollo were too heavy in holding her down while cleaning her. So I decided if she did not change overnight then off to the vet and the million $ bill to save Emma.  Through the night I could feel Emma lean against me to sleep and she would move around which meant she was doing a bit better. Today was a great day she ate, drank and pooped all day which tells me she is getting better. I still have her somewhat separated from the others so they don't accidentally step on her. If she tries to run fast she is still losing her balance not as much as the past couple days. As I said earlier she was raised as a pup with Jasmine my original Bulldog, she would imitate everything from Jazzy, how she would stand, walk, eat etc.. Emma D feels she is a Bulldog at heart and is in charge of Apollo 1, Bulldog, Wolfie and Auggie. The pictures show the top of her head where she opened it up. She will be fine. If you are wondering the D stands for dog. Christmas will be good. 



  1. Glad Emma D is doing better :-)

    She is cute and a fighter!

    Christmas will be good ^_^

  2. Aww. Poor Emma. I hope she makes a full recovery quickly. I'm happy that she doesn't have broken bones, or fractures for that matter. I'm sure she will be 100% by Christmas time.

  3. I’m glad Emma is doing better and at home. Yes, Christmas will be good.

  4. I hope Emma gets well soon! She's really cute! Merry Christmas! You are the incarnation of music in my heart!

  5. Oh poor baby! I hope Emma D is feeling a lot better! Yes, Christmas will be good!

  6. I hope Emma is doing better now, Christmas is soon for all.

  7. Get well soon Emma D.! She is such a little cute dog. Christmas is the best time of the year for all!

  8. I dread going to the vet because sometimes you never know what the bill will amount to. I'm so sad Emma had to go through that experience, but it's a good thing she's recovering and I'm hoping she can fully be with all the other dogs without any limitations/restrictions soon.

    1. Yes, those fees can be crazy. She is recovering and doing well. Thanks

  9. I have a Chihuahua too and I would be losing my mind if I had come home to a sight like that. I am so glad that she is okay!

    1. Yes, she is the smallest and the oldest. She is doing well, still a bit shaky but doing well.

  10. I am taken back by your levelheadedness, I don't know what I would have done in that situation. Candido I wish you and Emma health and happiness this holiday season.
