Saturday, September 24, 2022

Digital Sound & Video 1.1.9

In the late 80's a band I was with did some recording at a little studio located in Hollywood. The studio was 24 track, state of the art to us. At the time we were laying down 5 tracks over a 2 week period. The sounds were awesome and they were on tape. Today they record digitally with 0's and 1's and wow what a difference in sound quality. For the first time you could hear the clarity of the guitar, drums, keyboards and horns without hiss. Today you can actually hear where a song would be overdubbed with a take from another version of the same song. One of my favorites is The Beatles song She Loves You, listen to the Lp version and then listen to the Digital CD version you can clearly hear the overdubbed edit onto the original version. On the video side the pictures are crystal clear. Example look at Jurassic Park where the dinosaurs look so real and then look at an original 60's movie where the dinosaur looks so fake. I am not saying that I don't appreciate the originals. I love the old movies and music. Digital has given us a new look and sound. Let me know what you think?

Thursday, September 22, 2022

My Motivation

In 2001 I hired a young man by the name of Jeff Ross. After his first year I realized this young man was going to be a valuable asset to our company. Jeff treated everyone with respect. Some days Jeff would come to me and say boss can I borrow $5? I would always say yes. I realized later what he was doing. When he saw a homeless person struggling on the street with no food, water or clothes Jeff would help them out. It was not unusual for Jeff to bring his old clothes too many of the homeless around El Cajon, California. Every Halloween he would make a haunted house specifically for little kids to enjoy dressed as Dracula and handing out candy. Thanksgiving and Christmas he would decorate for everyone to enjoy. He lived life to its fullest. He had a passion for life and tried to help everyone who was in need. In January 2005  I was leaving the store to go on vacation my last spoken words to him. Jeff will we be going to a wedding in Las Vegas this summer? He smiled and said maybe! He said enjoy your vacation boss we won't bother you. On January 16th 2005 Jeff was killed. The police believe it was a gang initiation wrong place, wrong time. It has been seventeen years since his death. This young man left such an impression on me. I always considered him a son. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him or his zest for life. How he treated everyone and wanted to be treated by others. Jeff was rich with life. It is not very often that we run across a person like this. I motivate myself by his ideas and values. Jeff may be gone but his legacy is still here with everyone he touched. Let me know if there is someone other than a parent, grandparent or sibling who touched your life?

Friday, September 16, 2022

The Little Drummer Boy

I played drums from the 1970's until the early 2000's. At one time having as many as 10 cymbals and numerous drums that looked good. (overkill) the reason I mention this is not as a musician. I mention it for time management. When I played drums I was also an Executive Manager for one of the largest retailers in the world. Working a 10-12 hour day. I would then go to recording sessions from eleven o'clock in the evening until four o'clock in the morning. On Friday's and  Saturday's we would play gigs at the Rainbow, Whiskey and the world famous Troubadour in Hollywood. If you are wondering? we never got signed to a label. I would also manage my daughters travel softball team. At times I used to joke about how we played more games in a month than the San Diego Padres. It sure seemed like it 3-4 games every weekend and more when were winning. Years later I would coach all 3 boy's soccer and baseball teams and work full time. It always seemed like everything fell into place and coaching would take up most of the afternoons and weekends while music took up late evenings and early mornings. I am not saying I have the answers to time management. I was focussed and prioritized everything. Some twenty years later I am finding myself motivated and wanting to challenge the world. I enjoy everyone's motivation and attitude for this class. Let's keep it going.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Candido's Philosophy

Hi Everyone,

I hope everyone is having as much fun as I am in school. I have a basic philosophy that I would like to share with everyone. Use your time wisely, don't lose focus of your goals and alway's live life to its fullest. Remember we are only here for a short time so take advantage of it. With that I hope everyone has a great semester.

Monday, September 5, 2022


Hi Everyone,

This is all new to me first blog I have ever done. The bulldog represents my personal business ventures. Starting with ECAT98 Preservation and ECAT98 eBay, Ecat was derived way back in the 80's when a cat I had was named Elvis of course after Elvis Presley and because at that time there was a album for those who can remember those things named ECAT on purple vinyl (cool) I used to call the cat ECAT instead of Elvis. For next 16-20 years that name had alway's stayed in our family long after the cat had passed. I resurrected it a few years ago when coming up with new business ventures and low and behold they were available. Ecat is now associated with my bulldog. I have several other friends of his including, Apollo (German Shepard pup), Auggie (mix) and yes there is a cat, Babycat, and she is friends with the dogs. You will sometimes see them on the eBay site. I grew up in Southern California for those familiar with the Santa Monica Airport I lived less than a mile from there. I attended Venice High School (if you have ever seen Grease you will know the school) and when I graduated in 1976 I attended Santa Monica City College for about 2 years leaving because I got into a job that made me what I am today. So for the next 43 years I spent playing music (I play the drums) raising 4 kids and working of course not all by myself.  The daughter graduated from SDSU with a Bachelors in business and living and working in Idaho, the eldest boy is working on his master's degree for History I know it has to do with Curator of some sort and living in Kansas. The middle boy is the only other musician as such playing the bass guitar and lives in Oregon. The youngest is working and living in San Diego.