Saturday, October 29, 2022

What time of the year is it?

November is a tough month. This year we have voting. We have the start of the holidays coming up. I encourage everyone to get out and vote. Not worried about parties. Get your voices heard! Make a difference in your state or community. Then we have the first big holiday called T-day or Thanksgiving. This year I will indulge in chicken. Just kidding. I saw two frozen birds in the freezer. After T-day we get into the happiest time of the year or so the song says. Since September I have seen more Christmas goods than Halloween goods in all stores. No matter how you look at it ready or not the holiday season is upon us. For stress relief we have school and work. Everyone have a great start for the upcoming season. I look forward to seeing all of you at school. Keep up the great work. For the holidays I will post some pictures of the dogs in holiday attire. The cat, well she is not as easy to dress up. I can guarantee you she will be at my feet when the Turkey is done.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

The Pets are all here

Aside from everything else that I do. I have a small farm. To put it mildly there are 5 red eared sliders (turtles) in my back pond. Ages 2-7 years old. I have 2 parakeets, 2 cats one is 16.5 years old Cali is her name. The other is baby cat and she is about 4 years old. I have 5 dogs, Emma the chihuahua 12, Auggie the chiweenie 14, Wolfie the mix 4 , Bulldog the English Bulldog 7 and Apollo 1 the 11 month old German Shepherd pup. It may sound like a lot it really is not. The dogs for the most part are very quiet, only bark when something really startles them like the doorbell on the T.V. The cats you don't even know they are there. The turtles well they are in a pond swimming and sunning themselves. They do come up to me when I walk out to feed them. It is nice to come home to the animals as they are always excited to see me, probably for food. When I lived in Ramona California I really did have a farm complete with 17 horses Mustangs to be exact they were all mine. A donkey named George, A potbelly pig named little pig (She was not that little), dogs, cats and chickens. An animal lover I am. They will travel with me sometimes if not to hot. They go to the dog park to run and they do have a big yard to play in. I think baby cat is into music she sleeps in my bass drum all the time. Snickers is the white chihuahua pictured above with the others she is no longer with me.

All Dogs
Turtle Pond

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Working for a living

For those that don't know I work everyday and go to school 4 days a week. This class is really helpful in both my work and schooling. In my work a better understanding of how and where everything comes from and is formatted so I can view, watch or reply. In school for reports, graphs and presentations. I can't thank Professor Wu enough for his guidance and indulgence of my ignorance at times. I know it must be frustrating. To the class everyone is so much fun to be around. The class throws out so many ideas and ways to overcome issues. I look forward to our Saturday morning class. To everyone let's keep it going and finish strong. 

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Themes and Style Sets 4.9.2

Using 4.9.2 Themes and Style Sets is a blast for me. Now, that I completely understand how to use it.  In the past for one of my sites it was always trial and error. It would be a pain in the neck having to center or group words into a banner. Now, it is a piece of cake. I am loving this class and everything I learn. I will be using all of this in the future. The information everyone in class shares will be valuable for the future. Let's keep it going class. This is fun.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Those Favorite Printers 2.1.9

Imagine the digital age with no printers? What if we had to describe everything to everyone? could we?  based on our weekly quizzes I know I can't. lol. Printers make our work today so easy. We can print out reports to analyse. Print graphs for work, we can print out agendas for the week to employees or students. Printers make our lives so much easier. Ah, which one should we get? black and white, Color, inkjet or laser. Should we have one that faxes, copies, scans or more? What price should we pay? is under warranty? What am I going to use it for? Many questions to ask and consider.  In the end we get the printer we need.